Weekend Round-Up

This week there were so many sales going on I wanted to tell you about them:

Firstly, it's BOGO craziness:

Both the Payless and Wet Seal deals will be going for a little while. But the Shade sale is only good until Octover 5th. So make sure to take advantage of it while you can!

DownEast Basics sent me this:

Head to the Clearance section here. My favorite thing is the School Belle Top ($15.39 with promo).

Also, DownEast just started a denim line, find the styles here.

Uptown Cheapskate has been very active lately. The sent out coupons for $5 off of a $30 purchase, and 25% extra in store credit on sales to the store. Find those coupons here. The $5 off coupon expires on Saturday, so get to it!

Also, They are having their first after-hours store party on October 3 from 7-9. They will be having Door Prizes, Exclusive Offers, Random Giveaways, and 20% off ALL jeans and shoes. If you take a friend who's never shopped there before then you'll both save 25% off your ENTIRE purchase. Plus, there will be Chocolate. Sounds like a fun to me!

And, a little off topic, I just found this great Salt Lake City guide at Design*Sponge. It was so nice to see my city being highlighted on a national design blog, and to read about places I have never been (but need to go). And to see them speak fondly about some of my favorite haunts. For those of you Utahns (or anyone contemplating Utah's level of cool), it's worth a read.

Does anyone else know about anything else going on this weekend? If you do leave a comment!

Hope you all have a happy weekend!


  1. Ah! Your blog always makes me want to go shopping! Not good, I need to save my money!

  2. OOh thanks!! I love to see where the sales are... this is GREAT!!

  3. Thanks for commenting on my blog. I have been looking through your blog postings and I just love your looks for less.

  4. Ooo, awesome Shade deal! Too bad I just bought a few things from them...can't justify another purchase for a few more months, lol! BTW, as the winner of the Shade drape-front cardigan giveaway, I just have to say a big THANK YOU!!!! I wore the cardigan for the first time this week to an evening singing competition that I am in in my small town. I felt comfy yet so stylish--perfect for entertaining a crowd! I made it through to next week's show, so we'll see if I make it through a few more rounds to the top finalists during these next few weeks. I'll be browsing your blog for more inspiration for cute, trendy, eyecatching outfits to wear for my upcoming performances. Thanks again for your awesome blog!!

  5. Shellie- I am so glad that you had a chance to wear your cardigan and that you felt (and I am sure looked) great in it! Congrats on making it through to next weeks show!

  6. i went shopping this weekend and found these great boots at dillards...http://www.dillards.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?catalogId=301&langId=-1&storeId=301&productId=502026110&view=20&No=20&N=1000425+2010098&searchUrl=%2Fendeca%2FEndecaStartServlet%3Fview%3D20%26No%3D20%26N%3D1000425%2B2010098&R=03146722

    they are similar to the ones you listed from victoria's secret and a little bit cheaper! just thought i would share...i have been on the look out for a great pair of riding boots and i might have to give in and just buy them!


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