
Behold my Halloween Costume! I have already worn it once. I called it a Go-Go dancer, but I was asked if I was Twiggy and even Jackie-O (Oh Boy! White knee highs on Jackie O?!) Anyway. I posted about that Geometric Shift Dress when I bought it. And I borrowed the boots. So, the only money I spent was on eyelashes and a can of Aquanet. And I feel amazing in it, that's my favorite part!

Do you need some last minute ideas for Halloween Costumes? I stumbled upon the blog What I Wore, and it's fabulous in it's entirety. But, I really think you should check out her Halloween Costumes put together from her own wardrobe, they really are quite amazing.

What are your Halloween Costume plans? Leave a comment!

Happy Halloween!


  1. your costume sounds fun! you should post a picture of you in the costume.

  2. Since I'm pregnant this year, my husband went as a football player and I was his pregnant cheerleader girlfriend. It was stuff we already had from high school :)


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