Blogging is a funny thing.
I feel I have created this world where time is no object, and fashion is all that counts. It is a place where you all read some of my thoughts on a regular basis, but don't necessarily know me, and so I hesitate to share too much of myself. I have decided it is time to tell you all what is going on in my life, as it will effect the blog.

For the last four years I have struggled with migraines, headaches (yes, there is a difference), and exhaustion. It doesn't sound like much, until you are living it... but it can be kind of miserable. (You know when you are googling 'Chronic Fatigue Syndrome' that your energy levels aren't quite up to scratch.) For a time I was on a daily medication that made me feel as though I had never had a problem in the first place, and it was incredible. This was the time during which I started the blog. But recently, I have slipped back into the place I was before. My energy is limited and, frankly, some days so is my motivation.
I have made a decision to cut back on the number of posts I write and the requests I take for my own sake. I have set a pattern of posting every week day, and every day I "miss" a post, I feel guilty. I have decided I need to focus on feeling better not on worrying about writing 5 posts a week. So, my goal is to write about 3 a week, if I feel good that week, it may be more, and if I don't, it may be less. I hope you all understand.
I really do appreciate each and every one of you for giving me a place to share my thoughts and to explore my sense of fashion and for trusting me to help you with discovering yours. It's been a wonderful year of blogging, thanks for coming along for the ride.