Reader Request: Zippered Black Skinnies

I received a request via Formspring a few weeks ago,

Madeline, I went and saw a production of Grease this weekend and the girl playing Sandy had on the cutest pair of black skinny jeans with side zippers. I fell in love instantly and was wondering if you have stumbled upon any good deals for those lately?


Here is what I found:

1 - Neon-Zip Leggings - Spiegel - $29.00
2 - Leggings with Side Zipper - HUE - $25.00
3 - Skinny Ankle-Zip Trousers - Old Navy - $29.50

I especially like the trousers from Old Navy, even though it's hard to see the zipper detail.

Is this look something you would wear? Leave a comment!

Thanks for reading,

Happy Shopping!


  1. They don't have a zipper, but I recently bought some black Skinny Minnie ankle pants from Charlotte Russe for $24.50 that have the same feel.

  2. I would! And I've been looking. Perfect timing, thanks!

  3. i can vouch for the ON pants. i wear them to work all the time. they are my fave!

  4. Madeline, LOVING the ON pants. Just what I was looking for! Thank you! I love your blog and read it religiously. :)

  5. Hi! I found your blog through another one that I follow, and I am so glad I did! I LOVE fashion, and this is a great site--kudos! I will be back!


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