I am flying to Alaska on Thursday, and am preparing to go. My friends have volunteered (very kindly) to help maintain my blog while I am away.
Meet the contributors:
Amanda: is one of the craftiest gals I know. Miss Amanda is always willing to undertake a project (and help you figure out how to accomplish it), and always willing to give me feedback about my ideas (and is always giving me great ideas of her own). Another bargain shopper to her core, Amanda is a kindred spirit of mine.
Kristyn: always tells you exactly what she is thinking, and I love her dearly for it. She is the kind of friend you need to take shopping with you because she will tell you how it is. At our craft group, she is a resident paper crafter and is always sharing supplies and and making us laugh.
Ali: knows more about fashion than I can pretend to know. She is wealth of knowledge when it comes to getting dressed as well as dressing a space. With impeccable taste, I am sure she will share some awesome ideas.
Don't miss out on all they have to offer!
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